C# series 1.1c : Comments - ponda



C# series 1.1c : Comments

Comments are explanatory statements that you can include in a program to benefit the reader of your code. The compiler ignore everything that appears in the comment, so none of that information affects the result.

A. Single Line comment

A comment beginning with two slashes ( // ) is called a single-line comment. The slashes tell the compiler to ignore everything that follows, until the end of the line.

// Prints Hello

When you run this code, hello will be displayed to the screen. The // prints hello line is a comment and will not appear as output.

B. Multi-Line Comments

Comments that require multiple lines begin with /* and end with */ at the end of the comment block. You can place them on the same line or insert one or more lines between them.

    Some long
    comment text

int x = 43;

adding comments to your code is good programming practice. It facelitates a clear understanding of the code for you and for others who read it.

Next : C# series 1.1d : Operator

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