Coffee - ponda




The tradition, the proximity, and the strong sense of equality are the most common reasons why these young and old are in coffee shops!

While Starbucks has mastered the world of coffee in big cities, local coffee shops are still close and close to the heart of the small town. Relatively, Asian coffee culture is not as glamorous as europeans', but our coffee is still a lot. Tubruk coffee is a joy for a very simple person. Not to mention the price is affordable with an average price of less 35 cents US $ in local stores. Although similar but far from the generation frappuccino.

Drinking coffee is not just about lifestyle. It's also about how this tradition has been handed down since the generation. In asia, they serve Kopi Tubruk, which literally means 'colliding coffee'. This term is addressed to the most common and simplest method of making coffee. Pour boiling water into cups containing coarse coffee and sugar, known to international coffee lovers like black coffee.

While drinking coffee is an example of various coffee cultures in Indonesia, the fourth largest coffee producer in the world. Thanks to the Dutch who introduced coffee in the 17th century. Indonesia is seen as a haven for coffee plantations because of its perfect climate and soil to grow nuts. Currently, Indonesians are blessed with various coffee variants that spread from Aceh Gayo, North Sumatra, Java in the West to Toraja and Papua in the East.

The rules in the local Indonesian coffee shop are: no rules. A person can lie free, or just play chess or card for hours. No dress code needed, you can laugh, chat or even sleep. Sometimes the owners are so overly generous and reluctant to wake up customers if they fall asleep until sunrise.

Overall, coffee shops are growing rapidly as many people, especially the middle class, are now trying to appreciate this drink and enjoy drinking specialty coffee rather than gourmet coffee. For those who can afford an upscale espresso machine, many retailers are selling this equipment because coffee enthusiasts will be able to take care of their passion as a home barista. Behind this story, the brewed coffee will remind the Indonesian coffee icon, the simplest brewing method like the coffee itself.

After all, it's not just about drinking coffee. It's about feeling good. Drink well and drink well, Tubruk coffee-300 years tradition.

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